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Changing lives

That time has finnaly come where my little baby bubble has been popped and I have to make decisions. I must have changed my mind a hundred times on what I think is best for my baby going forward and that’s where I was going wrong, I needed to think what is best for not only my baby but my family.  I am now sat on a train on my way to London to discuss my return to work and my god am I nervous. Not for the meeting but for the outcome, for the change in routine, changes soon to come into my babies life.  I have spent the last 10 months thinking what should I do in terms of going back to work. Not working was never an option for me, not only for the money side of things but the brain stimulation, adult interaction and independence. It was always a question of how much time do I want to spend at work and how much time is the ‘right amount’ of time. Well there is no golden rule, I wish there was but every family is different. I find myself justifying my choices when peo...

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